Monday, September 30, 2013

L.P. Diaries Day1 in Seoul South Korea

Upon arrival into the Seoul Airport I have already felt like I arrived home. I was very nevous. The Airport is very big, modern and very wellcoming. The modernism of the 20 century it is felt very strongly here but elements of the past old days are still present. After picking up my luggage which surprisingly has arrived with the same plain although I was told in Prague it might not arrive the same day due to some misuderstanding about the destination, I had off to the control point....there I got very nervous. But it all went the stamp which aproves for my 3 months of free entry visa into South Korea. After that point I was all safe and sound into the land of my soul. I was so overwhelmed with all the new things, new faces, new everything. Fighting my tiredness I was trying to make a phone call from a pay phone when I realised I don't know how I am supposed to dial the numbers. I was supposed to call the family I am staying with to let them know I have arrived and to ask them where to meet them. So I went to a information point and asked about the code number and how am I supposed to call, when the lady at the counter told me she would call herself for me. I was so impressed about this gesture. Finally she has reached my family and told them about my arrival and also has told me about the meeting point. I was to take a buss and head to the other Airport. The national Airport called Gimpo.
When I got outside by the buss stop the buss came after 10 minutes. The fare to the other Airport was 5000 Won (5 Dollars) and because I had more luggage then the normal lugagge allowance I  had to pay another 5000 Won extra. I observed that the driver was in such a hurry....he kept telling me go pay in the buss......go pay. He came with me and stayed behinde me until I payed the driver the money and then he left. Haha....I thought that was kind of funny. I guess he must have thought that this foregner might not pay or I might have not understood. But it was just such a funny situation. It reminded me a bit of the Roamnian culture. Although in Romania I think most drivers seam to be more relaxed, more on the lazy side. After getting on the buss....those busses that I have always seen in the Korean dramas...I started filming the inside of the buss and outside. I have always wanted to get on those busses.....what I have noticed in the movies is that windows can be opened and you can stick your head out....unlike nay of the European bussed I have seen. I have not done that yet....s.ticking my head out but one day I will. Haa....there's so many things I would like to do here. But slowly, step by step.
Anyways .....back to the story. In the buss there were some tourists....I think they were Chinese....not sure thou....and the one man, probably in his 50's he was staring at me the whole time. I don't know why he was staring....Maybe because he though tit was strange that I am filming, or because I am a foregner and I look different or maybe he thought I was pretty.

The scenery on the way to the Airport felt like I was in many different countries. In some parts it looked like Switzerland, in others like Spain yet in others like Romania ner the cost by Constanza. It is so diverce from place to place that I feel like all the nice things that I like in the World or the places I have treveled to are all in one in South Korea. That is one of the reasons why I chose to come here. Seeing this in the Korean Dramas....all these different sceneries that remind me of different places I have visited and liked in the World. That's what makes this country so special.

After arriving in the Gimpo Airport I had to ask again at the informations office for help with yet another call to my family. But they were not answering the phone. Yuiiicks!!! After a couple of failed tries I had to wait and walk arround at the arrival hall in hope to maybe find the people. After like 10 mins of waiting and worrying the lady at the counter had pointed to me to approach the counter to let me know someone was coming to get me.  Pffff.....I was so relieved.
Afetr other 10 mins of waiting Mr Jang made it.....with a big smile and a simple English he has greeted me and has told me he was waiting for me on a different Gate. We both smiled and realised it was a innocent mistake and we headed off  outside towards the Taxi station. He was a bit tacken aback by the amount of luggage I had and said eh did not come by car.
When we got to the Taxi station and have seen my amount of luggage many of the Taxi drivers were reluctant to take us then they sujested to take the Jumbo taxi, which is like a mini Van destiend for costumers with big and heavy luggages like me.

After like a 20 minutes drive through Seoul we arrived to the Apartements where the family is staying. They live in a 12 store high building. Here most Apartement buildings are liek that high. When we got in....a nice small, big smiled, and warm woman greeted us and invited us in. Ofcourse she also made some big eyes when she saw all my bags. I didn't think they would be this surprised. Hehe.
Anyways.....after leaving all my stuff in the room that was destined for me.....she invited us to eat. She has put everything on the table. What I have always liked int he K-Dramas was the amount of dishes they have on the table with all the amazing fermented veggies which are super spicy but very very healthy. Well now all of that was in front of me. Ohhhh and maaaannnn.....they are so good. All home made.
After eating all those yummie things.....we started sharing a bit about my trip and we were talking about our families.....and we have also looked at family pictures. I showed off my two brothers,.....and my beautiful sister. The lady really liked all of us.....and kept saying how pretty we all are.

Later on after all this....Mr. Jang offered to take me to the Market to buy my favourite food. So I thought that was exciting....I love Market places. So we got in the car and all 3 of us headed towards the Market.
When we got there to my surprise we got into this huge big Mall whcih is called Lotte. I have heard previously about it as I have seen some advertisements online about it. But I didn't know exactly what it was. Well it's a chain of huge Malls all over Seoul.
When we got into the huge parking lot.....I was surprised to see inside of glass cilinder like cabin a woman which I thought first  was a doll. Only she was talking on a mike and dressed in an uniform and was bowing to all the cars that were coming in. I thought that was like....WOW. Inside the parking lot at different points were traffic control boys. Nice young boys dressed also in an uniform who were pointing the way toward a free parking. I was amazed of the standard they have here and how important the image of a place like that is.

...............................................................Part. 2 coming soon................................................................

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Letter to The One. Nr.5

For the times when you cried, suffered all alone....I am really sorry. I pray now that you can see how beautiful those tears and pain has made you. How wonderful and what miracle you are!!! I pray that from now on those tears I will be able to catch them in time, wipe them away...and the pain you wont have to endure it alone. I will be there to support you and I will give you my shoulder to cry and lean on. I will be your strength, your inspiration....and your way to faith. i will be that miracle God intended to be for a man when he said:" Man should not be alone....I will make a suitable partner for him." 

I will be that for you.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Letter to The One. Nr.4

My Dear,....I am living my life now in such a way as you would already be such a way that you wouldn't be ashamed of me. I live it to respect you.
I promise you this: that I will keep my promises to you.
I promise you that one's I will get a hold of your hand I will never let go of that hand.
I promise to follow you where you go and to lean on you and your strong shou
I promise to run to your side when you are sick and sty there even if you send me away.
I promise to watch over you when you sleep and protect you from bad dreams.
I promise to be kind and caring and never miss on feeding you your meals so you can stay strong and healthy.
I promise to always listen to your word and say sorry when I'm wrong and I make you feel upset.
I promise to stay by your side even if others will try to take us apart and would chase me and send me away. I will be that strong for you.
I promise to cherish each moment good or bad next to you and hold your hand till we grow old, with wrinkles and thin white hair. But even then wont be enough....cause I will follow you and walk with you in our after life....

So come soon, to me....

Letter to The One. Nr.3

I will promise you this: I will fight to protect you your name and your honor in front of others. When others will try to bring you or your name down....I will not sit still until i will make it all right. Even if I will have to suffer pain, scorn, shame for you're name I will do it. I will protect you from tears and and pain...and even if at times you won't understand why I am
 acting weird or keep you away....Please do not forget to trust me.
There will be times when you won't understand why I am silent.
A precious thing is in a place you cannot see and it is so frustrating.
If you only look at what you can see, you won't understand why I would be like that. So then....then you would have to trust me and know that I will do everything that stays in my power to protect you and at the right time you will see the truth...and I will come back to you.

Letter to The One Nr.2

When you will hold me in your strong arms I will feel protected and warm....and no wind will be able to get to me.

While holding me I wish you would say:' Do you know what you are to me??
Your the most precious thing in the world, so precious that when I look at you too much you might change. You're someone I don't dare to look at or touch too much because you are so lovely. I ask my self each time I see you whether you are really mine. You are someone who makes me laugh like a dummy even when I am alone. 
Because you are the one I love so much.
I want to wager my everything to make sure I can protect you as mine.
That is who you are to me.'

Letters to The One. Nr.1

Letter to The One:
My dear one... when you will meet me...I wish you would take me home after a nice walk in the park and then you would tell me: You should go in. Sleep good. Have good dreams.
Me: Yes...I will go in first. And you get home safely.

Then I walk away... and you watch me going in, happy you see me safe at home...and sighing because you will have to count the minutes till you will walk me again home.
Till then I shall wait and take that path towards my house alone but imagining I'm already holding your hand.

So what if my heart still skips a bit.....

So what am I gonna do if my heart still skips a bit just for you?
I've learned to love with my heart and not with my mind.
I've learned from my own mistakes that if I let the shadows of the past crawl up to the surface, it can blind me to see the real you.
You've thought me to dodge the spits and ugly tongues of the world,... and dig deeper through.
I've learned to love you for who you are... and what's within you.
You're not an image a projection of what I wish you should be.
You are you.... and your real....and for that I love you.
Months have past bye. It's only been a few,.... but they feel like ages...and this...isn't
getting any better.
I thought time will heal.   But thee feelings are still there.
No!!!.... ohhh no... they are not the same. Now they grew stronger, surer...
even thou your not here any more.
It's clearer I feel, and that hurts even more cause i know
I can't bring you back....and now I can never share and let you know
that my heart is open.
Anguish, guilt,, conviction, pain, sorrow, remorse.....they all creeping up on me.
New feelings....old feelings they shouldn't be together.
They shouldn't be at all. Cause you'r  not here.
I thought time should heal...But why do I feel like with time this
will all come back time and time again.....stronger and stronger.

So what if my heart  still skips a beat at the sound of your name?
So what?
I've become numb to everyone heart and my mind are flooded with you.
And I rather have all this to hang on then not have anything at all